How Can I Get My Cows to Calve During the Day?
Tired of checking cows all night during calving season? Doc Jake from Sioux Nation Ag Center offers advice on how to you can feed your cows to make more of them calve during the daytime.
How Soon Does a Newborn Calf Need Colostrum?
The first milk a cow makes, called colostrum, is key to her calf’s success. But how soon does that calf need to drink it? Doc Jake with Sioux Nation Ag Center is here to answer that question.
What Shots Should I Give a Calf at Birth?
When a calf is born, what, if anything, should it be given right away? Doc Jake with Sioux Nation Ag Center discusses the possibilities.
How Do I Get a Newborn Calf to Drink From the Cow?
Do you have a calf that won’t nurse the cow? Doc Jake from Sioux Nation Ag Center provides a few tips on how to help it along.
When to call the Vet
There are times to handle a calving issue on your own and times when it’s best to call a veterinarian. Doc Jake with Sioux Nation Ag Center guides you through this decision process so you know when to call and when to tackle the job yourself.
Clean Calving is Clean Living
Keeping calves health is a multifactorial process, but one of the key aspects is sanitation. Doc Jake with Sioux Nation Ag Center talks about what to clean, and how clean it needs to be to decrease the risk of infection caused by viruses and bacteria.
When to Help a Calving Cow
Are you out in your barn right now staring at a calving cow, wondering if you should pull the calf, and using the internet to help answer your question? Well, you’re in luck, because you’ve landed on the answer! Doc Jake with Sioux Nation Ag Center details when to let a cow calve on her own, and when you should give her a hand.
Can I Feed my Cows to Prevent Scours?
Scours, especially crypto, is a tough disease to deal with; would there be a way to prevent it by simply feeding an additive to the cows? Doc Jake with Sioux Nation Ag Center talks about Celmanax, a product that helps prevent a crypto scours.
Calving 2021: Are you Ready?
Calving season is right around the corner, and the folks at Sioux Nation Ag Center are ready to help. Generic Ranch Ron is prepared, with the products he needs and the veterinarian on speed dial. Are you ready? The list of products featured in this video: -OB chains -OB handles -Calf jack -Liquid disinfectant -Metal bucket -OB lube -OB sleeves -Electrolytes -Colostrum replacer -Mother/Calf bonding powder -Calf tuber -Balling gun -7 way vaccine -Injectable mineral -Syringes and needles -Dakota Start paste
How Much Water will Cows Drink in the Winter?
Are your cows getting enough water in the winter? Doc Jake with Sioux Nation Ag Center explores the nuances of winter watering in this video.