Cannibalism in the Small Poultry Flock

Cannibalism is a problem that may occur at any age and among all breeds of poultry. Cannibalistic birds cause injury to other birds by picking at each other’s feathers, toes, etc.

Birds have a natural tendency to imitate each other. Therefore, this behavior dramatically influences how cannibalism spreads through a flock. If cannibalism is not closely monitored, the resulting losses to the flock due to flesh injuries and death can be substantial.

Cannibalism may be influenced by one or more of the following factors:

Excessive Lighting
Maintain adequate light for growth and egg production. With broiler-type birds, the common practice is to use 16 hours of light and eight hours of dark per day at an intensity of 1⁄2- to 2-foot candles. Eggtype birds are usually reared under 10 to 12 hours of light per day at an intensity of 1⁄2-foot candle from 0 to 18 weeks. At the time of housing in the laying house, lights are increased to 13 hours of light per day at an intensity of 1- to 2-foot candles, increasing 15 minutes per week until 16 hours of light is reached. This light program will help delay sexual maturity to increase early egg size while allowing the birds to adjust to the change in lighting slowly. In general, brighter light in the house results in more cannibalism than when the lights are dimmed. A 40-watt bulb is generally sufficient in a small house.

High temperatures cause birds to become uncomfortable and prone to pecking. Provide adequate space, fresh, cool water, and proper ventilation for birds according to their age.

It is essential to provide a well-balanced ration with ample water. Ask your feed or chick supplier for more details, or contact your local extension specialist.

Allow adequate space for each bird to nest, eat, and drink—failure to do so can encourage competition that may result in cannibalism and keep the birds that are lower in the pecking order away from feed and water. The total square feet of space allowed per bird is not that important; birds are highly gregarious—they like to flock together. For example, when placed in a substantial pen, two birds will soon stand beside one another.

Intermingling of Birds
Combining birds of different ages, breeds, colors, or sizes that have not been reared together often upsets the social order of the flock, thus increasing the chances of cannibalism. Avoid intermingling of birds. Otherwise, start raising the birds together at the earliest age possible, then slowly allow them increased contact time.

Some poultry producers claim that certain breeds are more prone to cannibalism. This, most likely, is not the only causative agent. Proper management of the previously discussed factors will assist you in heading off most, if not all, incidences of cannibalism.

Controlling Cannibalism
The best way to control cannibalism is to try several methods. Remember, once cannibalism has started, it is often too late to change the flock’s behavior. Some methods used to control cannibalism are:
• Beak-trimming.
• Goggles attached to the bird’s beak.
• Remove injured birds.
• Continue dimming light.
• Increase space by turning birds outside.
• Remove birds that show aggressive pecking behavior.
• Provide scratch grain in deep litter.
• Change feed often to depress pecking.
• Spread grass clippings in the pen daily.

These methods have been shown to decrease cannibalism; however, there were no noticeable changes in the flock’s behavior at other times. The only proven method that has consistently been effective in preventing and stopping cannibalism is beak trimming. Although some flock owners may be concerned with the slight discomfort caused by beak trimming, uncontrolled cannibalism often results in more pain experienced by the bird or even death.

Note: Beak trimming should be demonstrated by an experienced person and conducted under the direct supervision of such an individual to ensure the accuracy of the procedure and proper handling of birds.

There are several theories about the best method and age to beak trim. Depending on your management style, you should pick the one that best fits your flock. Some examples are listed above.

Generally, age 1 to 6 weeks is the best time to conduct the trimming procedure for small home flocks. Trimming earlier than one week of age most likely will require a second trimming due to regrowth of the beak. Trimming any time after six weeks of age has been noted to decrease bird growth, and, in some cases, sexual maturity and egg production may be delayed. The best method of trimming is to remove one third to one-half of both beaks. This allows more beak to remain than the heavy trim method, decreasing the bird’s ability to peck and cause injury.

Beak trimming is most effective when it is done using an electric trimmer that cauterizes as it cuts. This ensures accurate trimming while decreasing the amount of bleeding associated with the procedure. Light bleeding is normal after trimming. The bleeding will usually stop within five to 10 minutes.

Tips for Pre- and Post- trimming
To help minimize stress on the flock before and after trimming:
• Slowly work with the birds.
• Work during a cool part of the day.
• Use a sharp blade in your trimming machine. It should not be too hot or too cold. A glowing, cherry-red colored blade is desired (1,100°F).
• Avoid conducting other procedures on the birds like vaccinating, moving the flock to a new location, wing banding, dubbing, dewaddling, etc. at the time of trimming.
• Trim completely through the beak before removing it from the blade. Torn flesh could result and cause injury.
• Leave the beak on the blade to be cauterized for a short time, approximately two seconds.
• Be careful to not cut the bird’s tongue. This can be prevented by placing the index finger under the bird’s lower beak and sliding back towards the neck, holding the tongue out of the way. Hold this position until the entire trimming and cauterizing process is complete.
• Keep the blade and trimming bar in perfect alignment to ensure an accurate trim.
• Provide adequate amounts of fresh, cool water and feed at all times. Supply the feed at deeper than normal levels in the feeder, as the birds’ beaks are very tender for about one week, which could deter them from pecking the bottom of the feed pan.
• Add feed often throughout the day to stimulate intake.

It is impossible to guarantee that cannibalism will not occur in a flock, but a few of these management techniques may reduce the incidence.