During the year, producers need to examine items necessary to hog production. Often overlooked are the small details that make your operation thrive. The following is a list of things to consider and ensure are up to date to avoid preventable issues:
• Double-check PQA/TQA certifications to ensure they are up to date for every essential person in your operation.
• Make sure scripts and VFDs are up to date. If not, schedule a time for the vet to visit and provide any renewals you need.
• Check your supply of medications, vaccines, and other everyday products to verify that you have adequate quantities on hand.
• Revisit site assessments to determine that you are up to date and meet all existing standards.
• Establish and implement a vaccine program.
• Test and monitor breeding herd health to get out in front of disease if present.
• Test corn and other feed products for mycotoxins to avoid issues.
• Ensure your records are up to date to prepare for audit situations.
• Make sure barns are operating as they should. Double-check heaters, inlets, fans, and curtains and perform any required maintenance.
It is good to make a checklist and mark these essential items off the list as time allows. These details may seem insignificant compared to your everyday tasks, but ensuring they are completed and up to date can save you a greater headache in an unexpected situation. Let Sioux Nation know if we can help with any items on the checklist to ensure your operation is running up to par!